Wiznet makers


Published October 31, 2022 © GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)



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WizFi360 Weather Station

This is a weather station using WizFi360. It receives weather data from public weather api services and display weather information.

COMPONENTS Hardware components

WIZnet - WizFi360-EVB-Pico

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SPI TFT LCD (Controller: ILI9341)

Software Apps and online services

OpenWeather - OpenWeather

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Public weather information service

행정안전부 - Public Data Portal (공공데이터포털)

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Public weather information service



This is weather station using WizFi360. It receive weather information from data.go.kr (see https://www.data.go.kr/data/15084084/openapi.do ) and display weather information to LCD display.

Running Video



  1. Install CircuitPython from https://github.com/ronpang/WizFi360-cpy
  2. CircuitPy Drive will be created after installed CircuitPython.
  3. Extract Source code(WizFi360-weather-station.zip) to CircuitPy Drive.
  4. Extract Library(lib.zip) to CircuitPy Drive.


  1. Edit WiFi SSID/Wifi Password in secrets_example.py file.
  2. Edit latitude, longitude in secrets_example.py file.
  3. Save as secrets_example.py to secrets.py


  1. Install Thonny from https://thonny.org/
  2. Choose menu Tools -> Options...
  3. Click Interpreter Tab.
  4. Set Interpreter to "CircuitPython (generic)".
  5. Choose Port to connected serial port.
  6. Open weather_station.py file in WizFi360-weather-station.
  7. Run weather_station.py file.

Hardware environment

  1. WizFi360-EVB-Pico.
  2. LCD Display (ILI9341 3.2" SPI TFT): connected to WizFi360 SPI ports (http://www.lcdwiki.com/3.2inch_SPI_Module_ILI9341_SKU:MSP3218)

Software environment

  1. CurcuitPython https://github.com/ronpang/WizFi360-cpy
  2. Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle (https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Bundle)
  • adafruit_ili9341: CircuitPython ILI9341 LCD Display low level driver
  • displayio : various LCD support layer on CurcuitPython, supporting bitmap display (i.e. weather icon)
  • adafruit_bitmap_font: bitmap font library displaying on LCD

Weather data sources

This open api provide wheather information. 

You must get service key from https://data.go.kr/data/15084084/openapi.do before getting the weather data.

Originally, openweathermap(https://openweathermap.org/) was selected to receive weather infomation. but openweathermap does not HTTPS respond on using WizFi360 + CircuitPython environment. So, KMA service is used getting weather information. You can use another wheather api if you can convert weather information to KMA format.


Wiz360-EVB-Pico is fully compatible to Raspberry Pi Pico. So, wiring is the same as Raspberry Pi Pico and ILI9341 SPI Display.


WizFi360 provides excellent environment running CircuitPython.  Wi-Fi, HTTP Communication, LCD control through SPI works well. It enables to make lightweight but powerful IoT Device. I hope enhanced version will be released continuously.

  • WizFi360 to LCD Display (ILI9341 3.2" SPI TFT) Wiring

    From WizFi360 to LCD Screen wiring

  • Application code (in CircuitPython)

    Application code to receive weather information and display to LCD Screen.

  • Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle

    Libraries depend on WeatherStation application. It contains only libraries to need running application.

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