SX1278 and ESP32 based POCSAG gateway
SX1278 and ESP32 based POCSAG gateway
- uses Semtech SX1278 as FSK receiver
- also works with Semtech SX1276
- uses W5500 Ethernet transceiver
- receives 1200 bps, 4500 Hz shift POCSAG messages
- serial console logging of received messages
- serial console Command Line Interface for configuration and debugging
- telnet server Command Line Interface for configuration and debugging
- 3 levels of debugging
- write/read configuration to/from flash
- german BOS mode and DAU filter
- german ASCII codes
- decoding of ROT1 encoded messages
- Ethernet based http gateway to forwarding the messages
- error correction by BCH decoding
- GPIO 12 - MISO
- GPIO 13 - MOSI
- GPIO 14 - SCLK
- GPIO 15 - CS
- GPIO 26 - DIO0
- GPIO 27 - DIO1
- GPIO 32 - DIO2
- GPIO 33 - DIO3 (for future development)
- GPIO 23 - MOSI
- GPIO 19 - MISO
- GPIO 18 - CLK
- GPIO 5 - CS
- center frequency in MHz and Rx error offset frequency in kHz
- the Rx error offset is the measured AFC value when Rx error offset is set to 0
- bitrate in kbps (e.g. 1.2 for 1200 bps)
- frequency shift in kHz
- this means the single sided shift (e.g. 4.5 for +/- 4500 Hz)
- Rx bandwidth in kHz (choose the next larger value from table in SX1278.h)
- this means the single sided bandwidth
- calculation: RXbandwidth >= Fshift+(bitrate/2)
- the auto function uses the above formula
- AFC bandwidth in kHz (choose the next larger value from table in SX1278.h)
- calculation: AFCbandwidth >= 2*(Fshift+(bitrate/2))+Ferror
- Ferror means the maximum center frequency offset error of the SX1278 module
- the auto function uses the above formula