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Published May 03, 2023 ©

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W5500 이더넷 모듈 SPI 인터페이스 TCP/IP STC15/STM32 MCU

COMPONENTS Hardware components

WIZnet - W5500

x 1


Original : https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.74.ebb2eb2Ki5a0n&id=535409082707&ns=1&abbucket=9#detail


Previous VAR : https://maker.wiznet.io/WIZnet/resellers/ikmsik%2Dw5500/?page=7&catecd=1&serob=4&serterm=month

Author : IKMSIK
Price : $ 3.46

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This is a W5500 SPI Ethernet module by IKMSIK.


The W5500 SPI Ethernet Module is a board that integrates the W5500 Ethernet controller chip and provides an SPI interface to communicate with a host microcontroller or other device. The module typically includes an RJ45 connector for Ethernet connectivity, along with the necessary passive components such as resistors and capacitors.


By using the SPI interface, the W5500 module can communicate with the host microcontroller over a serial bus, allowing the microcontroller to control the Ethernet functionality of the W5500 chip. This enables the microcontroller to handle tasks such as configuring the network settings, transmitting and receiving data over the network, and implementing network protocols.

This module supports both 3.3V and 5V.


Hardware resources

Pin definition

The W5500 SPI Ethernet Module is commonly used in embedded systems and Internet of Things (IoT) applications that require network connectivity. It offers a low-cost and compact solution for adding Ethernet functionality to a wide range of devices.


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