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Published August 19, 2023 ©

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An example of MACRAW

COMPONENTS Hardware components

WIZnet - W5500-EVB-Pico

x 1


Original : https://github.com/wiznetmaker/RP2040-HAT-C-MACRAW

Author : taylor
Published On : 2023-08-18

This content was created with the assistance of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI.

The WIZnet W5500 is a hardwired TCP/IP embedded Ethernet controller that provides easier Internet connection for embedded systems. It is designed for embedded applications where ease of integration, stability, performance, area, and system cost control are required. The W5500 is used in various applications including home automation, industrial automation, smart energy, and many more.

Advantages of using a H/W TCP/IP Stack, especially the W5500, include:

  1. Efficiency: Being optimized for specific hardware, the HW TCP/IP Stack offers fast and stable network connections.
  2. Resource Conservation: Without consuming significant MCU processing power or memory, more resources can be allocated to other tasks.
  3. Simplified Implementation: Instead of implementing complex network protocols from scratch, developers can utilize simple APIs to access network functionalities.

However, there can be challenges, such as the socket limitation in the W5500. In such cases, using socket 0 in MACRAW mode can be a solution. With MACRAW mode, one can handle multiple network traffics with a single socket, effectively overcoming the socket limitation. Specifically, in the GitHub repository that is currently under active development:

  • Socket 0 is used in MACRAW mode for UDP reception.
  • Sockets 1 to 5 are designated for TCP.
  • Socket 6 handles DHCP.
  • Socket 7 manages DNS.

Of course, it's possible to handle a Software TCP/IP Stack like LWIP in MACRAW mode. However, this approach might consume more MCU resources, making the use of a HW TCP/IP Stack like the W5500 more efficient.

In conclusion, a H/W TCP/IP Stack, especially when implemented with the W5500, offers several advantages over its software counterpart. By using the W5500, challenges like socket limitations can be easily addressed, providing a significant advantage for both novice and intermediate engineers.

Thank you for reading.


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