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Published October 20, 2023 ©

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RP2040-HAT-C-MACRAW - UDP Checksum

An example of MACRAW. UDP Checksum

COMPONENTS Hardware components

WIZnet - W5500-EVB-Pico

x 1


Original : https://github.com/wiznetmaker/RP2040-HAT-C-MACRAW/tree/20231020-Checksum

Previous : https://maker.wiznet.io/taylor/projects/rp2040%2Dhat%2Dc%2Dmacraw/

Author : taylor
Published On : 2023-08-18

This content was created with the assistance of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI.

Hello, WIZnet community!

I'm excited to announce a significant update to the RP2040-HAT-C-MACRAW repository. In my continuous effort to improve and enhance the functionality of this codebase, I've introduced the UDP checksum calculation, a crucial feature for ensuring data integrity in UDP communications.


In my previous commits, I focused on the core functionalities and ensured seamless communication using the RP2040-HAT-C-MACRAW. However, as many of you might know, while UDP is a fast and connectionless protocol, it doesn't inherently guarantee the integrity of the data being transmitted. This is where the UDP checksum comes into play. By calculating and verifying the checksum, both the sender and receiver can be more confident about the integrity of the data being exchanged.

What's New in this Commit:

Checksum Calculation: I've added a function to calculate the checksum for a given data packet. This function takes into account both the data and a pseudo-header (which includes crucial fields from the IP header) to generate the checksum.

UDP Checksum: Building on the basic checksum function, I've implemented the UDP checksum calculation. This ensures that every UDP packet sent or received has its data integrity verified.

How to Use:

Simply navigate to the updated code in the RP2040-HAT-C-MACRAW repository, specifically in the branch 20231020-Checksum. The functions for checksum calculation are clearly defined and can be easily integrated into your existing projects or used as a reference for your custom implementations.

I have confirmed that in a typical terminal, the UDP data is not transmitted with the correct checksum calculation.

In Wireshark, you can see it by enabling the UDP checksum verification.


Next Steps:

I'm not stopping here! I'll continue to refine and optimize this codebase. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements in the near future.

The WIZnet W5500 is a hardwired TCP/IP embedded Ethernet controller that provides easier Internet connection for embedded systems. It is designed for embedded applications where ease of integration, stability, performance, area, and system cost control are required. The W5500 is used in various applications including home automation, industrial automation, smart energy, and many more.

Advantages of using a H/W TCP/IP Stack, especially the W5500, include:

  1. Efficiency: Being optimized for specific hardware, the HW TCP/IP Stack offers fast and stable network connections.
  2. Resource Conservation: Without consuming significant MCU processing power or memory, more resources can be allocated to other tasks.
  3. Simplified Implementation: Instead of implementing complex network protocols from scratch, developers can utilize simple APIs to access network functionalities.

Thank you for reading.

  • RP2040-HAT-C-MACRAW/20231020-Checksum

    A branch 20231020-Checksum

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