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Published September 19, 2022 © Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)

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Circuit python coding for WizFi360-EVB-PICO

This is a circuitpython coding for WizFi360-EVB-PICO that made by Ron

COMPONENTS Hardware components

WIZnet - WizFi360-EVB-Pico

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Software Apps and online services

Adafruit - Circuitpython

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These code is based on Adafruit's circuitpython ESP AT control to modified.

WizFi360 Firmware version:

If you are interested on the codes and commands, please refer to the links below.

1.ESP AT control - circuitpython

2.WizFi360 AT commands

3.WizFi360 Vs ESP8266

By using WIZnet's WizFi360-EVB-PICO, it required to use AT commands to control WizFi360 to communicate to the world



  1. Allow to change MQTT Publish topic after connected to adafruit IO
  2. Accept JSON method
  3. WizFi360 could accept Maximum 3 Subscribe topics

📚Required Software


  1. Circuit Python 7.0 or above (it required to use 1 MB from the flash)
  2. Adafruit circuit python bundle - Use the latest version from adafruit bundle page [ESP AT control or download from this github]

Required Libraries from adafruit bundle:

  1. adafruit_espatcontrol library or this library
  2. adafruit_request

Required codes to run example codes

  1. Secret.py -> Please modified the information to allow WizFi360 to connect your personal AP and adafruit IO.
  2. Example codes

Programming and debug software

  1. Thonny

🤖 Basic Setup

Step 1: How to install circuit Python into WizFi360-EVB-PICO (same method as adding to Raspberry Pi Pico)

🟥Youtube: Linux install method

🟥Youtube: Window install method

Step 2: Modified your secret.py and put the file inside the Pico flash

It is used for saving your AP information and Adafruit IO information to allow WizFi360 to connect.

secrets = {
    "ssid": "my access point", # Your AP's or router's name
    "password": "my password", # The password for your AP/router
    "timezone": -5,  # this is offset from UTC
    "github_token": "abcdefghij0123456789",
    "aio_username": "myusername", #adafruit IO username
    "aio_key": "abcdefghij0123456789", #adafruit IO 

Step 3: Add the libraries to your lib section

It is required to add libraries to the folder lib to allow the codes could run. link-lib_image

Step 4: Put the example codes to flash

Draging the examples codes to the flash inside the pico board, it should run the software easily.

Step 5: Setting the GPIO PINS

It is required to modify the GPIO PIN settings to allow the RP2040 coould communicate with WizFi360

RX = board.GP5 #TXD1 pin for WizFi360
TX = board.GP4 #RXD1 pin for WizFi360
resetpin = DigitalInOut(board.GP20) 
rtspin = False
uart = busio.UART(TX, RX, baudrate=11520, receiver_buffer_size=2048)


  1. TCP Client
  2. Adafruit io (MQTT)
  3. Adafruit io (HTTP) - Used the same coding method as ESP AT control
  4. Ping - Used the same coding method as ESP AT control
  5. Blynk
  • HTTP to adafruit IO

  • Blynk

  • MQTT to adafruit io (Single feed topic)

  • MQTT to adafruit io (Group feed)

  • WizFi360 firmware upgrade

    Upgrade to the latest version

  • Ping

  • Loopback test

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