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Published December 05, 2023 ©

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WIZ750SR Web Server Configuration

Deploy the WIZ750SR Web Server version

COMPONENTS Hardware components

WIZnet - WIZ750SR

x 1


WIZnet's Serial to Ethernet module, the WIZ750SR, has added the ability to set up this device via the web.

The guide below will help you get started.

  1. Firmware Update
    - Use DHCP with your AP or set it to the same IP band as your PC.
    - Update the firmware with the attached bin file via WIZnet S2E Configuration.
  2. Connect to WIZ750SR Web Server
    - Assume the IP is in the same band as #1 above, 
     Connect to WIZ750SR’s IP and port number 50003 via Internet Browser.

  3. Get Settings Button
    - Bring the WIZ750SR’s setting values like config tool's Device Search.
  4. Set Settings
    - Set the current browser value to WIZ750SR like config tool's Apply Settings.
  5. Reset
    - WIZ750SR Reset
  6. Factory Reset
    - WIZ750SR Factory Reset

With this course, you can easily set up the WIZ750SR as a Web Server in addition to the Config Tool.

If the Search ID code is set, the Web Server does not work.



  • WIZ750SR_WebServer

  • W7500x_S2E_App_WebServer.bin

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