RPi Pico Duino-Coin Dual-Core Miner with WIZnet W5100S
Let's see how to mine the duino coin using WIZnet W5100S-EVB-Pico. Two mining on one board using Dualcore. !
COMPONENTSHardware components
WIZnet - W5100S-EVB-Pico
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This is an example project for mining duino coin with WIZnet W5100S-EVB-Pico. Through this project, Two mining machines are implemented on one board using Dualcore.
Let's get started!
0. Preparation Duino Coin wallet: https://wallet.duinocoin.com/ W5100S-EVB-Pico or W5500-EVB-Pico or hardware with the same schematic Micro USB cable Internet router Ethernet cable
1. Download
Clone the WIZnet RP2040 DUINO COIN Mining stack example code using the Git command on your environment
Binary file can be programed using BOOTSEL button on the RP2040 board. If the micro usb cable is connected to the PC while the button is pressed, it is recognized as an external storage device. Programming is done by simply copying the binary file to the external storage device.
5. Test
connect the your board to the internet router using ethernet cable. A few minutes after, you can see the logs through RP2040 USB CDC port.
Mining Status
The two miners status can be checked from the duino coin wallet web site too.