W5500 Test (WIZ850io)
W5500 Test (WIZ850io)
W5500 WIZnet Ethernet Tests
Applies to all boards and modules which use the WIZnet W5500 chip: WIZ850io, W5500 Shield, etc.
Hardware used
- Teensy 3.2 Teensy 3.2 with ARM Cortex M4
- Teensy 3.2 breakout board R3 at OSH park, essential to map Teensy 3.2 to a standard DIP-style pinout without the awkward bottom header and end pins. Systronix designed a simple assembly jig to help in assembling Teensy 3.2 to this adapter.
- PRJC WIZ820io & Micro SD Card Adaptor which also works with the WIZ850io module (850io and 820io are pin-compatible). To use this with Ethernet, the CS and DC signals need remapping with cuts on the board. @TODO: add photos of the hacks
- TFT_CS moves from default 10 to 20
- TFT_DC moves from default 9 to 21
- WIZnet WIZ850io - about USD $17; this module uses the W5500 chip, will also work with WIZ820io which uses the W5200
- ILI9341 2.8" color touchscreen, available tested from PJRC or take your chances on eBay. A recent order of five on eBay had 4/5 with cracked screens, all with bent pins. Inadequately packaged.
- ILI9341 2.8" color touchscreen, BuyDisplay ER-TFT028-4 and a custom carrier board with buffers, able to use at least a 36" ribbon cable back to the Teensy host board.
- eBay WIZ850io clones - about USD $9; ignore the misleading name in the listing. Five ordered 2017 Feb 25 for testing. These have been tested by PJRC. These are reporterdly the real W5500 cheap on a cheaper Chinese module with other Chinese components. It ain't rocket science so there's no reason these have to be crap.
- Adafruit M0 Pro which appears to be identical to the Arduino.org M0Pro with SAMD21 ARM Cortex M0
- Arduino.org M0 Pro
- WIZnet W5500 Shield which uses the W5500 chip in the Arduino board form factor. I bought this combo to have an official, blessed-by-WIZnet board set which should work out of the box. This turned out to be mostly true thanks to Adafruit Ethernet2
- note: these M0 Pros are not identical to the Arduino.cc Zero boards. They are very close. Apparently pins #2 and #4 are swapped (see Adafruit M0 page)