W55RP20 MicroPython Examples: Networking, HTTP, DHCP, and More
W55RP20 MicroPython examples including HTTP client, DHCP, SNTP, iPerf3, and loopback.
W55RP20 MicroPython Examples: Networking, HTTP, DHCP, and More
This repository is a standalone version of the WIZnet-ioNIC_examples folder from the [WIZnet-ioNIC MicroPython repository](https://github.com/WIZnet-ioNIC/WIZnet-ioNIC-micropython). The original examples have been enhanced with additional explanations and documentation to provide a more comprehensive resource.
What's Included?
The repository provides practical examples that showcase:
- HTTP Client (HTTP_Client.py)
- Demonstrates how to make HTTP GET and POST requests using the `urequests` library.
- Loopback
- Loopback with Static IP (Loopback.py)
- Implements a loopback test to verify the Ethernet chip’s functionality by sending data to itself and validating the response.
- Loopback with DHCP (Loopback_dhcp.py)
- Similar to the standard loopback test but utilizes DHCP to obtain IP configuration dynamically.
- Loopback with Static IP (Loopback.py)
- DHCP Client (dhcp.py)
- Shows how to configure the W55RP20 to obtain an IP address via DHCP.
- iPerf3
- iPerf3 Client (iperf3.py)
- Acts as an iPerf3 client to measure network bandwidth performance.
- iPerf3 Test (iperf3_test.py)
- A test script to run iPerf3 performance tests, useful for network throughput analysis.
- iPerf3 Client (iperf3.py)
- Redis
- PicoRedis (picoredis.py)
- A minimal Redis client library tailored for MicroPython, enabling interaction with Redis servers.
- Redis Client Example (redis_client.py)
- Demonstrates how to use the PicoRedis library to connect to a Redis server and perform basic operations.
- PicoRedis (picoredis.py)
- SNTP Client (sntp.py)
- Uses an SNTP server to retrieve and display the current time in UTC, allowing devices to maintain accurate time.
- SSD1306 OLD Display
- SSD1306 library (ssd1306.py)
- A library to interface with SSD1306 OLED displays.
- SSD1306 Test (ssd1306_test.py)
- A test script to demonstrate the usage of the `ssd1306.py` library for displaying graphics and text on an OLED screen.
- SSD1306 library (ssd1306.py)
These examples are written in MicroPython and are tailored specifically for the W55RP20, making them perfect for developers interested in integrating Ethernet connectivity into their embedded systems.
### Documentation
Detailed explanations for each example are available in the `README.md` file included in the repository. The `README.md` provides insights into how each example works, expected output, and important considerations when working with the W55RP20 board.
### Repository Link
Access the full source code and documentation here: [GitHub - WIZnet-ioNIC/WIZnet-ioNIC-micropython-examples](https://github.com/WIZnet-ioNIC/WIZnet-ioNIC-micropython-examples)
Explore the examples, experiment, and get started with integrating Ethernet connectivity into your MicroPython projects!