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Published December 11, 2024 © MIT license (MIT)

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W55RP20 MicroPython Examples for dns client

A MicroPython example for DNS client implementation using WIZnet W5x00 Ethernet chips, enabling domain name resolution in embedded systems.

COMPONENTS Hardware components

WIZnet - W55RP20-EVB-Pico

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Software Apps and online services

Wiznet - WIZnet-ioNIC-micropython

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DNS Client

File: dns_client.py

This code demonstrates how to use the WIZnet W5x00 series Ethernet chip to perform DNS (Domain Name System) resolution. The example shows how to convert domain names into IP addresses using the built-in socket interface, supporting both static and dynamic IP configurations.

Expected Output

WIZnet chip DNS example
MAC Address: 00:11:22:33:44:55
IP Address: ('', '', '', '')
IP address of www.wiznet.io is

Important Considerations

Ensure proper network configuration (static IP or DHCP) before running the DNS client The DNS client requires a valid DNS server address (default: Make sure your network allows DNS queries (UDP port 53)

Implementation Details

The DNS client uses MicroPython's usocket.getaddrinfo() function to perform DNS resolution. The implementation includes:

  • Simple domain name to IP address resolution
  • LED status indicator for operation feedback
  • Error handling for network connectivity issues

Please refer to the MicroPython documentation for more details on the usocket.getaddrinfo() function.

  • ioNIC micropython DNS client

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