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Published November 02, 2023 ©

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[Recuration] Smart Bed System Using webOS

With your voice, you can control light, temperature, and bed gradient!!

COMPONENTS Hardware components

Raspberry pi foundation - raspberry pi - 3

x 1

WIZnet - W6100

x 1

Arduino - Arduino UNO

x 1

Arduino - Arduino Mega 2560

x 1

Software Apps and online services

ifttt - Amazon Alexa service

x 1


Smart Bed System

We used webOS and Google Assistant library for webOS, So please refer to: https://www.webosose.org/, https://github.com/webosose/libgoogleassistant/blob/master/README.md




Architecture of Our System

This is architecture of our system.



IFTTT is the service that makes easy to generate custom commands which google assistant don't recognize. We used this service to make our own commands.

In short,

  • Say commands which we made using IFTTT to microphone.
  • webOS application sends commands to google assistant server. Then server will response to application.
  • webOS application sends specific JSON data to Arduino using HTTP request based on response.
  • Arduino controls right actuators depending on the data.




Usage or Scenario

  • Execute webOS and launch "Smart bed" application(web application)
  • Click Start button to begin speech recognition
  • Say some commands we made like "I want to read", "Increase temperature", etc... For example, If I say "I want to read", then the bed will be upright




Above picture is description of our entire scenarios. Basically Light is turned on/off depending on the illuminance sensor on the bed.

  • Smart_Bed

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