Golioth Blue Demo – June 2022

The Blue Demo showcases Golioth Output Streams (https://blog.golioth.io/output-stream..., which allows Golioth users to export data to any Cloud service, without needing to change device code. Cloud-to-cloud integrations allow you to send data where it ultimately needs to go without having your constrained IoT devices send HTTP requests, which can drain the battery and use excessive amounts of data. This demonstration was recorded at Embedded World in June 2022. It features an nRF52840 feather development board, connected to a W5500 Ethernet expander, running code in the Zephyr Real Time Operating System (RTOS). The device reads environmental data from a BME280 and then forwards it along to Golioth. The user can push a button to enable which output stream is going to which 3rd party cloud (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud). Further details about the Blue Demo is featured in this Golioth blog post: https://blog.golioth.io/zds-what-chip...