Wiznet makers


Published May 03, 2023 ©

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VCON is a framework for remote (OTA) firmware updates and remote serial monitor, for a wide range of microcontrollers.

COMPONENTS Hardware components

WIZnet - W5500-EVB-Pico

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PICO-W5500-EVB wiring

In this setup, it is ESP32C3 that powers both boards over USB. After the setup is done, it could the vica versa: the RPI board can power both.

Configuration using GUI

Once wiring is done, go to https://dash.vcon.io and select "action" → "Manage device" to configure the Host. This loads device management console with several different sections. Now we're interested in "Configuration" section. Change values to make it look like this and hit "save":

W5500-EVB-PICO setup

Configuration using API

The following console command performs the same setup as the GUI method above:

curl -su :API_KEY https://dash.vcon.io/api/v3/devices/ID/rpc/config.set \
  -d '{"config":{"host":{"arch":400,"mode":3,"uart":{"rx":6,"tx":7},"swd":{"io":8,"clk":9}}},"save":true,"reboot":500}'

In the command above, API_KEY is a cloud authentication key. It could be copied from the UI dashboard. ID is the actual ID you're working with. It can be taken from the UI dashboard.

See Configuration Reference for a detailed description of all configurable parameters.

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