Controllino Irrigation
This project employs Controllino Maxi Ethernet to create a dual-channel irrigation controller with MQTT integration for remote control and monitoring.
This project involves the creation of a dual-channel irrigation controller using Controllino Maxi Ethernet, MQTT for communication, and integration with Home Assistant for control and monitoring. The code is developed using PlatformIO and the Controllino-Irrigation library.
Project Summary:
- Utilizes the Controllino Maxi Ethernet as the hardware platform.
- Incorporates the W5100 Ethernet controller for Ethernet connectivity.
- Implements a dual-channel irrigation control system.
- Provides control through a local Home GUI.
- Enables remote channel activation and deactivation via MQTT.
- Uses 'on' payload in MQTT messages to turn outputs on and 'off' payload to turn outputs off.
Code Source:
- Code is authored by Richard Huish from 2017 to 2020 and is inspired by ESP8266-based projects.
- Based on an ESP8266-based project.
Home Assistant Integration:
- Provides corresponding Home Assistant configuration files in Home Assistant Configuration.
W5100 Ethernet Usage:
W5100 is a chip responsible for managing Ethernet communication in Arduino. Controllino Maxi Ethernet integrates W5100 into an Arduino Mega-compatible board, enabling Ethernet communication. W5100 allows Controllino Maxi Ethernet to connect to the network and communicate with Home Assistant via the MQTT protocol.
The code segment related to W5100 usage primarily involves the Ethernet and MQTT libraries. The Ethernet.begin(mac) function initializes Ethernet using Controllino's MAC address. After successful Ethernet initialization, the code proceeds with the setup of MQTT communication.
After configuring the Ethernet connection using W5100, the MQTT library is employed to establish a connection with the MQTT broker. In the code snippet, mqtt_server represents the address of the MQTT broker.