Smart Device Control Using WIZnet W5500 and STM32
Control smart devices like LEDs and sensors via a web interface using WIZnet's W5500 Ethernet controller and STM32.

Software Apps and online services
This project showcases the integration of WIZnet's W5500 Ethernet controller with the STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller to create a web-based smart device control system. The W5500 chip provides a robust and efficient networking solution, enabling the STM32 to serve a web interface for real-time device control and monitoring. The project features LED control, temperature and humidity monitoring via DHT22, and gas leak detection using the MQ2 sensor. All these functionalities are accessible through a web interface hosted on the W5500, making it an ideal solution for various IoT and home automation applications.
This project is licensed under the MIT License and was developed using PlatformIO and Arduino IDE. It utilizes the Ethernet library specifically designed for the W5500 chip and the DHT library for sensor data acquisition.
By leveraging the power and flexibility of the WIZnet W5500 chip, this project offers a scalable and reliable smart device control system that can be easily customized and extended for various applications.
This code implements a web server that uses an STM32F103C8T6 (commonly known as the "Blue Pill") and several sensors and modules to control a smart device.
This HTML file configures the web interface for controlling smart devices using the STM32 and W5500 chips.