TTGO T-Beam W5500 Lite
This project is aimed at addressing the problem of sending downstream messages in LoRaWAN.

This project is intended to address the issue of LoRaWAN's downlink message transmission, and aims to implement a system that processes messages quickly and sends them at downlink frequencies instead of the time-constrained approach of the LoRaWAN Semtech Packet Forwarder Protocol.
Built a downstream message service using an Arduino Uno, Ethernet Shield, and LoRa breakout board. Additionally, utilized an ESP32-based TTGO T-Beam board.
Using the ESP32 chip, I provide internet connectivity via Ethernet and transmit downstream messages through a LoRa module. Additionally, I concurrently utilize the Arduino Ethernet, arduino-LoRa, and PubSubClient libraries for testing and example purposes.